CHANGELOG for Forum Access for Drupal 6 forum_access 6.x-1.x-dev: forum_access 6.x-1.3 (2010-02-17): Bugs fixed: - #699918: Give forum moderators access to the File attachments fieldset. - Another 'administer nodes' fix. - Clarify hook_db_rewrite_sql() code. - #695690: Fix handling of 'administer nodes' permission. - #689572: Fix user_access() call without $account parameter. - #662306: Fix possible uninitialized variable. - #652226: Fix possible interference with the Image Gallery Access module. forum_access 6.x-1.2 (2009-12-04): Bugs fixed: - #649854: Moderator role gets deleted from {permission} during the submission of admin/user/permissions. forum_access 6.x-1.1 (2009-12-02): Enhancements: - Provide db_rewrite_sql() support to hide the forum moderator role. - Reset the permissions of the forum moderator role (in case they were changed by the admin). - Hide the 'Forums' menu item for users that can't see any forum. - Keep the admin from changing the permissions of the internal-use-only forum moderator role and make it even more difficult to assign the role to a user. - Keep the admin from assigning the internal-use-only forum moderator role to a user. - #552636: Implement 'Drupal 5 legacy mode,' where posting comments and replies is always allowed, for backward compatibility. Bugs fixed: - Deny direct access to forum administration without 'View' access. - Avoid duplicate warning when submitting the Permissions page. - #639196: Fix error on secondary user profile pages. - #597616, #560238: Allow editing own unreplied-to comments even without permission, as core does. - Distinguish between grants as moderator or as normal user. - Fix some trailing spaces (no functional change). - #493044: Fix missing initialization of the {forum_access} table during installation. - #578554: Fix a possible foreach() error message. - Avoid Coder warning and improve installation information. forum_access 6.x-1.0 (2009-08-03): Enhancements: - Improve information on how to avoid conflicts with Content Access. - Improve wording of trouble-shooting text (string-only change). Bugs fixed: - Cast to VARCHAR rather than to CHAR for pgsql. forum_access 6.x-1.x-RC1 (2009-06-03): Bugs fixed: - #472494: check_plain() the role names. forum_access 6.x-1.x-BETA4 (2009-05-22): Enhancements: - #243076: Major update of Swedish translation. Bugs fixed: - Fix minor structural bug. - #410930: Work around a core bug that puts wrong values into $node->tid. - Tune the behavior of the administrative interface. - #413708: Make forums visible to users with 'administer nodes' permission. - #408560: Grants still not saved under some circumstances. - #426498: Potential conflict with pre-existing 'Forum Moderator' role. - #407080: Remove the 'reply' links if the user does not have the 'Post' grant. - #408560: Grants not saved for newly created forums. forum_access 6.x-1.x-BETA3 (2009-03-18): Enhancements: - #310254, #163964: Implement comment moderation as well as advanced node moderation. - Remove 'post' links from forum page if the user doesn't have the 'create' permission. - Disable checkboxes for roles that have no or full access anyway. - #213957: Implement the ability to use the settings of an existing forum as a template. - Provide a choice of how/when to update the {node_access} table and only do it if necessary. - Tune presentation of configuration information. - Add extensive configuration information and trouble-shooting tips. - Use View grant to control access to the forum's admin page (with the access settings!), too. - Make forum_access_db_rewrite_sql() more resistant against name conflicts. - Keep the checkboxes aligned even when the column titles wrap; improve the titles for containers. forum_access 6.x-1.x-BETA2 (2009-01-29): Enhancements: - Collapse Moderators fieldset if empty. - Factor out form and batch code into .inc files. - Implement batch mode to support correct updating (using node_access_acquire_grants() rather than node_access_write_grants()). - Implement grant priority. - Provide help for getting along with Content Access. - #109924: Add optional forum_access_preprocess_forum_list(&$variables) function to provide moderators in the $forums template variable. - #109924: Add new forum_access_get_moderator_uids($tid) function (requires new ACL version!). forum_access 6.x-1.x-BETA1 (2008-10-14): Bugs fixed: - #344711: Fix forum_access_access() to use $account consistently. - #328341: Make pgsql CAST() conditional on the database engine. - #309113: Fix warning messages in (caused by bad drupal_set_message() call). - #302774: Remove cruft from _forum_access_get_roles(). - Use node_access_needs_rebuild() rather than node_access_rebuild() when enabling/disabling module. - Fix cosmetic coder issues (no functional change). - #246959: Fix a bad t() call. - #219778: Remove grants when roles are deleted, purge orphaned grants. - #230123: Newest pgsql refuses to do automatic type conversions. - Provide a message for uninitialized forums when newly installed, rather than the incorrect 'default' setting of grant_all for 1 & 2. - #222477: forum_access_node_access_records() didn't return its result. Porting to D6: - #128846: Accommodate PostgreSQL 8.3's requirement for explicit casts. - Publish .pot file. - Port precautionary warning on Content Access page (will need to test and activate full diagnostics when CA is ported). - #231611: Add support for non-forum content types; update moderator(s) when changing forum. - Avoid E_NOTICEs — ready for beta. - First-shot port to D6. - Copied 5.x-1.9.